Grants to benefit victims of crime and make WA communities safer

Attorney General John Quigley has announced the latest round of funding awarded under the State Government's Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program.
  • Not-for-profit community groups to share $2.6 million in Criminal Property Confiscation grants
  • The grants are funded by money and property seized from criminals in WA under the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000
  • Local governments and not-for-profit groups can apply for grants of up to $200,000 to tackle drug-related crime, support victims of crime, or aid law enforcement

Attorney General John Quigley has announced the latest round of funding awarded under the State Government's Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program.

Grant offers totalling $2.6 million will help not-for-profit community groups and local governments fund crime prevention, community safety, and victim support projects.

The program supports initiatives that in some way benefit victims of crime, reduce drug-related activities, improve community safety, and help prevent crime or assist law enforcement.

The 18 grant offers administered by the Department of Justice will fund communities across Perth and the regions, including the Kimberley, Great Southern, and Gascoyne. 

Recipients from this funding round include:

  • Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation which will receive $187,000 to reduce youth crime and improve community safety. The initiative will provide a Young Adults At-Risk Program for Aboriginals aged 18-35 years with complex needs and at risk of offending;
  • Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Services will receive $200,000 to provide targeted intervention and support for victims of Family and Domestic Violence crimes who might otherwise be isolated from services by cultural and language barriers; and
  • a $199,886 grant has been offered to Palmerston Association to provide short residential stays for individuals' preparation for detoxification as part of their drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Support during the crucial period will be led by Palmerston's GPs and case workers.

The full list of successful applicants is in the table below. More information about the Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program is available on the Department of Justice website

Comments attributed to Attorney General John Quigley:

"Since the inaugural funding round in 2003, the Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program has supported worthy organisations with funds totalling over $41 million.

"To date, this program has awarded grants to 358 projects over 20 funding rounds.

"There was an overwhelming response to this round with 34 applications from incorporated not-for-profit organisations and local government authorities seeking funding for a range of projects all over the State.

"I find it particularly fitting that money and other assets the State has seized from convicted criminals are used to fund key services which benefit the community, including victims of crime.

"I congratulate all of the grant recipients in this latest round and offer my best wishes for the success of their projects."

Successful Applicants - Round 20:


Australian Childhood Foundation

Equestrian Youth Engagement Service



Bridging the Gap

GROW: Guiding Recovery, Opportunity, and Wellbeing



Children's Protection Society/Kids First

Caring Dads North Western Perth



Citizens Advice Bureau WA Inc.

CIC Application Assistance Project



City of Canning

Urban Art and Graffiti Intervention Program



City of Melville

Better services for a safer Melville



Constable Care Foundation

City After Dark Tour - Fremantle



Fair Game Australia

Game On! Hubs Afterschool Program



Gosnells Community Legal Centre Inc.

The Sanctuary Project



Great Southern Community Legal Services

Court Based Family Safety Project



Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Services

Family and Domestic Violence Support



Palmerston Association

Short-term Residential Stabilisation (R-StOX)



Parkerville Children and Youth Care Incorporated

FDV Advocate MIST Rockingham



Starick Services Inc

Safe Pathways to Independence



WA Council on Addictions

Aboriginal Outreach Treatment and Support



Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Corporation

Burringurrah Aboriginal Community Development Project



Wunan Foundation Inc

Still on Track



Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation

WYAC Young Adults At Risk Program

